Key Points Assessment of intelligence is the most common referral received by the psychologist. Intelligence tests are divided into verbal tests and performance tests.
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A thorough description of the NIH-TCB, including the rationale for test selection, neuroanatomical basis, and psychometric properties in a large representative sample of individuals from ages 3 to 89, are found in Weintraub et al. [39]. Additional details of the battery as specifically relevant to the pediatric population are found in Weintraub et al. [43].
Flanker [44] is a measure of inhibition and visual attention. On each trial, a central directional target (fish for mental age younger than 8, arrows for ages 8 and older) is flanked by similar stimuli on the left and right. The participant chooses the direction of the central stimulus. On congruent trials, the flankers face the same direction as the target. On incongruent trials, they face the opposite direction. A scoring algorithm integrates accuracy, a suitable measure in early childhood/low mental ages, and reaction time, a measure more relevant to adult performance on this task, yielding computed scores from 0 to 10. There are 40 trials, and the test duration is about 4 min. This task also has a developmental extension. In the extension, participants begin by simply choosing the direction a single large fish is facing. The task becomes progressively more difficult by adding flanking fish of differing sizes and colors.
For Oral Reading [48], the participant is asked to read and pronounce letters and words as accurately as possible. The items are administered by computer adaptive testing (CAT; continuously adapted depending on performance), and participant responses are scored by the examiner. For the youngest children, the initial items require identification of letters (as opposed to symbols) and identification of a specific letter within an array of four symbols. The test duration is about 3 min. A theta score is calculated for this test.
The Kiddie Test of Attention Performance (KiTAP; [49]) is an executive function battery comprised of eight subtests designed around an enchanted castle theme specifically designed to be accessible to young children. Based on our prior work on the feasibility, reliability, and validity of the KiTAP in FXS [49], we chose the flexibility, go/no-go, and distractibility subtests, which include reliable and validated scores matching well with several NIH-TCB constructs.
Test-retest reliability coefficients and paired sample t tests comparing performance at baseline and retest are shown in Table 2. Test-retest reliability ranged from good (flanker, picture sequence memory, picture vocabulary) to very high (oral reading). Examination of differences between tests 1 and 2 showed significant practice effects for pattern comparison and potential practice effects for picture sequence memory (based on effect size).
For study 3, the reliability statistics were similar or improved from study 2, with correlations in the mid .70 to high .90 (see Table 7). The exception was picture sequence memory with an ICC of .28. This likely reflected a lack of comparability between parallel forms A and B. In comparison, study 2 and the normative studies [59] used the same form A and achieved much higher correlations. (As such, for group comparsions reported below, we only used data from form A). Aside from this difference, the test-retest reliability figures obtained in our sample with ID was comparable to those obtained from children and adolescents from the general population [59]. No significant differences in performance between test 1 and test 2 were observed for any of the NIH-TCB measures in study 3 (all p values >.10), although it should be emphasized that practice effects may be seen in larger samples.
The P.G.I Battery of Brain Dysfunction was developed by D. Pershad and S. K. Verma. It is a sophisticated collection of various tests that are used to quantify cognitive dysfunction, impairment, decline, or deficits in clinical settings. The P.G.I Battery of Brain Dysfunction measures well-known cognitive functions of the brain behaviour such as intelligence (both performance and verbal), memory, perceptual acuity, and transference from one hemisphere to another. While the test is supposed to be used as a whole, it can also be used in parts based on special circumstances. Each of the tests has separate norms, thus making it easy for them to be used autonomously.
All these tests are fully validated and widely acclaimed throughout the world. Norms are developed for the 20 to 50 years age group; following a factorial sampling design of 2 X 3 X 5 [two levels of sex, three levels of education, and five levels of age]. It gives a global rating of cognitive dysfunction based on 19 test variables and estimates well accepted/validated psychological concepts of (a) intelligence, (b) memory, and (c) gestalt formation of perceptual acuity. It provides a profile of the current cognitive functioning of the subject.
Verbal intelligence is crystallized by social interaction, experiences, schooling, etc. and hence it continues to develop beyond the age of physiological maturity. Aging and brain injury generally, do not reduce the verbal ability until the domineering hemisphere is involved. Verbal Adult Intelligence Scale (VAIS) consists of 4 subtests 2ff7e9595c